Massage Therapy

Russian Massage Protocol for Fibromyalgia

Russian Massage is unique in that it is a system of massage entirely based on physiology. Developed in the former Soviet Union as a medical massage, sports massage, and part of their physical therapy, it is supported by over 150 years of serious scientific research. What this means is that they have investigated the various strokes and examined exactly what physiological changes each of these strokes, when done in various ways, produces in the body.

Natural Relief for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a poorly understood chronic pain condition that primarily afflicts women. Patients with fibromyalgia complain that they feel fatigued and ache all over as if they have the flu. They are generally otherwise healthy women and there seems no obvious reason for their pain. Many were very productive before they became afflicted. Symptoms can range from mild to severe but will persist for years. There is no known cause and there is no known cure.

Living Without Pain

So many people live with unnecessary pain. Are you one of them? I'm astounded and dismayed at the number of people who believe that they have to live with their aches and pains, pains that could be alleviated, often quickly and easily. They seem to believe that there's nothing to be done. They say, "I guess I'm just getting old." Are you one of them?

Is that really true? Is pain an inevitable part of life at 40? 50? 60? If you feel that badly now, what will you feel like ten years from now? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in pain when it isn't necessary? What kind of life is that?

How do I know that you can feel better now? Quickly, easily, and naturally? Because I've seen it happen hundreds of times and I've experienced it myself.